Friday, October 18, 2013

Lake Wrimo NaNo Newsletter

October 18, 2013
NaNoWriMo Lake County Region Newsletter

Happy NaNo Planning Wrimos! And Welcome to all those new to NaNo and Lake County this year.  There’s just two more weeks before the big moment when the clock ticks over to midnight and fingers start to fly over the keyboards. 

Before that happens we need to celebrate our dive into noveldom with a party! The NaNoWriMo Lake Writers Kick-Off will be held at the Eustis Denny’s (441) and begins at 6:30pm. Come in costume as your favorite literary character or character from your novel! (optional but most fun :)

Bring a friend or your family with you to this event so they can celebrate. And get a good look before you go into crazy writer mode and hide out in your writing space for the next 30days lol.

Be sure to RSVP even if you’re not sure about making it to the party. We need to know how much space to claim at Denny’s and how many writer kits to put together.  You can RSVP in two places:

Not to worry if you haven’t found the perfect plot or your character hasn’t found the right personality yet. There’s plenty of time yet to stock your snack drawer and program your coffee pot.

Hop on the forums and grab some ideas or post a dare for your fellow Lake Wrimos. You can also find Lake Wrimos on our Facebook group Lake Writers ( )
Follow us on Twitter @LakeWriters  #LakeWriters

I mentioned this in the last email but just to make sure our new folks and anyone who might have missed it here is some information about making sure you are HOMED in the USA:: Florida ::Lake County region.

During November, it's fun to compare USA :: Florida :: Lake County’s  progress against all the regions in the world, both in word count and donations. Please show your pride in our region by making sure your successes are included in our regional totals.

To do this, you need to join USA :: Florida ::Lake County  AND set USA :: Florida :: Lake County  as your Home Region.

If you have already joined our region, please check to make sure you are homed here:
1.     Choose Local Events from the main menu and click Home Region.
2.     You should automatically be redirected to USA :: Florida :: Lake County and there will be a house icon to the left of the region's name.
3.     If you're somewhere else, you haven't yet joined our region and made it your home.

If you haven't yet joined our region:
1.     Choose Local Events from the menu and click Find A Region.
2.     Under Other Regions, type our region name (or part of it) in the text box.
3.     Locate our region under the text box and click Join This Region.
4.     Click Make this region my home. Welcome Home!

You can find the USA:: Florida:: Lake County Region Forum here:

If you have any questions or just want to say hi, don’t be shy. Post in the forum, Lake Writers FB group, you can contact me by NaNoMail  my NaNo user name is flsandcastle, on Twitter, or PM me on Facebook Elise VanCise I’ll get back to you as quickly as I can.

Happy Plotting until next time!

Elise VanCise
ML USA :: Florida ::Lake County  

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Monday Musings Blog Hop Topic/Sign up

Welcome to the Monday Musings Blog Hop

Each Wed  a topic will be posted. You can post on that topic however you desire. Write an article, share an experience, write a flash fiction piece or apply it to a work in progress. Wherever the muse leads let your fingers follow.

To join the hop just add your blog home page to the Inlinkz list below and have your post up on your blog the day of the hop. If you would like to add the linky list to the bottom of your post just click HERE and grab the code for your blog. 

Topic for Monday September 30th: 
What do you write with 

Talk about your favorite writing tools or software. Do you have some user tips to share on Word, Write Way or Scrivener? Do you write analog (good ole pen and paper) Have a favorite pen or notebook? Tell us all about what helps you bring your stories to life. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Monday Musings Sign Up for September 2nd.

Welcome to the Monday Musings Blog Hop

Each Wed  a topic will be posted. You can post on that topic however you desire. Write an article, share an experience, write a flash fiction piece or apply it to a work in progress. Wherever the muse leads let your fingers follow.

To join the hop just add your blog home page to the Inlinkz list below and have your post up on your blog the day of the hop. If you would like to add the linky list to the bottom of your post just click HERE and grab the code for your blog. 

Topic for Monday September 2nd: Labor Day heroes/heroines 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Monday Musings Sign up for Aug. 26th

Welcome to the Monday Musings Blog Hop

Each Wed (yeah I know it's Sunday this week... it's been one of *those* weeks) a topic will be posted. You can post on that topic however you desire. Write an article, share an experience, write a flash fiction piece or apply it to a work in progress. Wherever the muse leads let your fingers follow.

To join the hop just add your blog home page to the Inlinkz list below and have your post up on the day of the hop.

Topic for Monday August 26th : Things that Bind
 (since last week was missed we're repeating for anyone else who missed it as well :)

If you want to add the inlinkz list to your post go HERE to get the code

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Monday Musings Blog Hop Sign up

Lake Writers

Welcome to the Monday Musings Blog Hop sign up


If you would like to copy this linky list to the bottom of your post go here:  get the InLinkz code

To add a Monday Musings button to your blog or post you can use the code in the box below:

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="LakeWriters"></a>

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Lake Writers February Flash Contest

February Contest Prompt: Photo Prompt

Rules and Submission Guide
A prompt or theme for the contest will be posted on the 1st of the month.
Stories must be between 500 and 1500 words and edited. Include a rating or warning if there is strong language or sexual content. **
Submissions run from the 1st to the 15th of the month and sent
Each story will be posted as it is received on the contest blog and announced on the Lake Writers Fan page with a link for readers and writers to read and share.
Public voting begins on the 20th and ends on the 30th. The winner and new contest theme/prompt will be announced on the 1st of the next month. A poll will be created containing title and link of each story.
Authors retain the rights to all their work. No story or part of will be used for any other purpose without permission of the writer.

Winners will receive bragging rights and a nifty badge for their blog /website. Winners will also be listed in a winners roll with a link to their blog/website.
Big Prize Winners’ stories will appear in an annual Lake Writers Anthology.

**Sexual content must be between consenting adults, 18 years of age minimum. Any stories containing questionable content will not be accepted and the writer notified. Remember this is going to be on a PUBLIC blog for public readers.

If you have any questions feel free to comment below, drop me an email at the addy above.

Happy Scribbles!